Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Audio Assault

Seam Reap, Cambodia:

I was awakened at 6 o'clock this morning by the most god-awful wailing, banging, clanging, screeching, blaring cacophony emanating from the loud-speakers at a nearby temple, and it continued unabated until I left the guest house at 9:30 a.m. When I returned at 3 p.m. it was still going, as was the case when I came back at 7 p.m.

Audio Assault (mp3)

Apparently someone who lives in the neighborhood died last night, and the Buddhist priests have determined that the most auspicious date for his burial is about 4 days from now, so I'll get to enjoy this audio mayhem for another 72 hours.

Imagine an interminable, ear-splitting, mind-numbing, nausea-inducing extended soundtrack straight from the studios of hell. Or a fight between a tom cat and a bag pipe, combined with the sound a two year old in the throes of a temper tantrum maniacally banging a cowbell while a tone deaf woman screeches at the top of her lungs. 

Now turn the volume up to 11 and you'll have some idea of what I have to look forward to. I figure it's a good reason to get up early and get out and get on with my day. Otherwise I'd have to move across town to escape the noise...it's that pervasive.

Apparently there's a cease-fire between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. How it is that the local folks don't seem to mind is beyond my comprehension. Seriously...I’d sign up for water-boarding before this particular type of torture. At least with water-boarding there would be the possibility that it would put me out of my misery.

Why this hasn't been used as a method of torture is curious to me. I would surrender and tell the enemy all my passwords if subjected to this. But instead I'm paying by the day to listen to it...complimentary breakfast included.

Footnote: For additional funereal fun, read my post entitled "A Grave Situation"


  1. Reminds me of the funeral trucks that we used to see in HK. Remember? They were the trucks that followed a funeral, full of people with drums and cymbals, crashing out bang-ch-bangbang, ch, bang, bang-ch-bangbang all the way up Waterloo Road. Or the temple next door to our house on York Road - ah, memories of all those lion dances!

    It's amazing what you get used to...

  2. I'm quite sure that's Yoko Ono's "Yes, I'm a Witch" album, side 2.

  3. ...and that is why the Beatles broke up. As Ringo said to Paul and George "Look...it's Yoko...OH NO!!!!"

  4. Hi John loving your blog god were we glad to leave the funeral music behind. We are in Sihanoukville in the rain !!Off to Kep for a few days then into Vietnam It was great to meet you all the best with your travels our blog has moved to this address sharpsworldtour.blogspot.com All the best Danny :-)
