Monday, March 2, 2009

Under Pressure

Look closely. There are three people in this photograph, not two. If you squint your eyes, you can see someone in the front of the raft whose head is being removed from their neck. That’s me…the guy who has somehow mistaken a class IV white water rapid for a drinking fountain which dispenses water at a rate of 347 cubic meters per second. I won’t be thirsty for quite a while.

At one point during the trip we stopped for a breather. When I was a kid, if I complained that my friends were getting to do something that I wasn't, the response was often "If everyone else was jumping off a cliff, would you want to do that too?" Apparently the answer is "Yes". Having faced my terror of heights the day before, I went first, adding more bruises to my previously pulverized posterior.

At the end of our thrilling three hour trip down the river, we were hauled back to the lodge where we regaled each other over hot plates of spaghetti with tall tales of our death-defying adventures. See if you can guess which guy in the photo below is NOT a tourist.

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